Push-Block Peril (level)

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Push-Block Peril
Internal name PushBlockExStage
Moon Rock level? No
Power Moons 2
Regional coins 3
Music Another World

Push-Block Peril is a sub-world in Cap Kingdom that can be accessed via a door at the top of Top-Hat Tower upon returning to the kingdom. The level involves platforming across blocks that extend and retract from the wall.


  • It is possible to clip out of bounds by standing halfway into the alcove containing the secret moon as the block retracts into the wall.
  • Although the very top of the level has no texture, it does in fact have collision. There is currently no proven method of reaching the top, but one theorized method involves performing the aforementioned out-of-bounds clip, carefully traversing the level from half-bounds, and triple jumping off the top of the exit pipe from out of bounds.[1] From there, it may be possible to use two-player trickjump techniques to gain just enough height to reach the top.
  • The cluster of three regional coins on the right side of the level does not load unless Mario is relatively close to them, making it impossible to collect the coins from the starting platform with a Cappy return cancel, even if Mario jumps into the void to get closer.[2]
