Version 1.2.0 is an update to Super Mario Odyssey that was released on February 21, 2018. In terms of gameplay, the update introduced Luigi's Balloon World, as well as various new outfits to purchase and Luigi hint arts to find (both of these were rolled out slowly over time). The update also included a large number of glitch and exploit patches. Because of these patches, version 1.2.0 is the slowest version of the game for nearly all categories, being slower than its predecessor 1.1.0 and all previous versions due to the patches, as well as slower than its successor 1.3.0, which features faster loading times but no further patches.

Version 1.2.0
Version ID 196608
Uploaded to CDN February 21st, 2018
Released February 21st, 2018
Size 279 MB

Game cartridges can be found with a base version of 1.2.0, meaning it is possible to obtain this version with a factory reset if one owns such a cartridge. However, since the latest version, 1.3.0, is identical except for having faster loading times, there is virtually no reason for one to obtain a working copy of 1.2.0.


The following is a list of changes compared to the previous version, version 1.1.0.

Content changes

  • Added support for Luigi's Balloon World.
  • Various new outfits are available for purchase for regular coins in every Crazy Cap shop after beating the game. The Musician, Sunshine, and Knight outfits were available from the update's release date, with the rest being rolled out over time; all should now be available at once after installing the update.
  • Luigi hint arts can now be found scattered across the world. These were rolled out over time but should now all be available at once after installing the update.
  • New filters have been added to Snapshot Mode. The Coin and Neon filters were available from the update's release date, while the Manga, Tile, and Kaleidoscope filters were rolled out later.
  • The Jump-Rope Challenge now behaves differently after reaching 110 jumps.[1] At this point, the speed will now periodically slow down or speed up after every 10 jumps.[2]
  • Completed Hint Arts now feature a physical checkmark icon in the upper right corner of their models, in addition to showing a checkmark sprite while viewing the artwork as prior versions already showed.
  • The picture shown after completing the game now features Luigi floating in the background.[3]
  • The Cascade Kingdom map now depicts the bridge across the water as well as the floating platforms in the northwest corner of the kingdom.[3] These features will now always be displayed on the map, even before those features actually appear in the world.
  • The Dark Side map no longer shows extra platforms near the Odyssey that do not actually exist in the world.[3] It is believed that these platforms may have been featured in an earlier version of the world during development.
  • The Hint Art found in Tostarena Town in the Sand Kingdom now shows a red Checkpoint Flag pole instead of a yellow one, to be consistent with the actual color of flagpoles found in Bowser's Kingdom.[3]
  • In Simplified Chinese, the text for "Load" in the Data Management screen has been changed from "上传" (meaning "upload") to "读取" (meaning "read").

Preventive changes

  • There is now a death area directly underneath the ground near the Pops Out of the Tail moon in the Mushroom Kingdom, which can be reached if Mario goes out of bounds.

Glitches patched

  • Roll cancel clips are now more difficult in general, and usually have more precise positioning and/or timing.
  • Cap throw clips are no longer possible, including Sphynx Clip.
  • Turnip clips are no longer possible.
  • Capturing a Hammer Bro or Fire Bro just as a large seed or turnip is about to collide with it no longer causes the Bro to clip through the ground.[4]
  • The collision of a vegetable in Peronza Plaza in the Luncheon Kingdom has been modified to prevent a clip possible with a Hammer Bro or Fire Bro.[5]
  • The collision on the southeast corner of the Cap Kingdom town has been modified, making it no longer possible to clip through the corner as either Mario or a Paragoomba.
  • Glydon corner clips are no longer possible.
  • The Gushen noclip glitch is no longer possible.
  • The Talkatoo glitch is no longer possible.
  • Nut jumping is no longer possible.
  • Dog hovering is no longer possible.
  • Frog Airswim is no longer possible.
  • It is no longer possible to store the collection of a Life-Up Heart by scanning a Peach amiibo while Mario is off screen or in first-person mode.
  • Collecting a key from a Timer Challenge just as the timer expires will no longer result in a softlock.
  • Talking to the Koopa Freerunning racer at the exact moment it is stunned by a thrown object will no longer result in a softlock.
  • Killing a Poison Piranha Plant that Mario has captured using Cappy in two-player mode will no longer result in a softlock, which also makes it impossible to crash the game by feeding Cappy to another Poison Piranha Plant in this state. Instead, Mario will be forced out of the capture as it dies.
  • Capturing Bowser at the same moment Mario dies will no longer cause the game to crash.
  • The Goomba time freeze softlock is no longer possible.
  • In the extremely rare case that the Airswim glitch occurs, the water level will now only be slightly higher than normal, rather than significantly higher.
  • Power Moons can now be collected while inside a cactus capture.
  • Warping to a checkpoint while exiting first-person mode will no longer cause Mario to be visible during the warp animation.
  • The force field surrounding the arena while fighting Hariet in the Sand Kingdom will now cause Mario to display the pushing animation while pushing against it, instead of running in place against the wall.

Glitches introduced


Since version 1.3.0 is not known to have patched any glitches or otherwise changed anything about the gameplay, it is universally faster due to its shorter loading times. Because version 1.3.0 is both ubiquitously faster and easier to obtain than 1.2.0, version 1.2.0 is considered to have no uses.
