Area object


An area object, area, or zone (referred to internally as al::AreaObj) is an invisible region of space that can trigger events, prevent certain actions, or cause other phenomena. The properties of area objects usually only apply to Mario, meaning many types of them cannot be triggered by Cappy. Area objects can be shaped like a rectangular cuboid, cylinder, sphere, or be infinitely large.


Actions or conditions enforced by area objects include but are not limited to the following:

  • Loading a different stage when Mario contacts it; these are called loading zones. Loading zones are ultimately invisible as all area objects are, but many exist in the same region of space as a solid white or black texture, giving the impression that the loading zone has an opaque color.
  • Transporting Mario to a different location in the same stage upon contacting it. These are sometimes also referred to as loading zones, despite not actually loading a new stage.
  • Killing Mario; these are often referred to as death areas or death planes (the latter being a misnomer since the region is not flat).
  • Triggering various actions in the stage, such as starting a boss fight or cutscene or causing situational changes in the level; these are often called trigger areas or trigger zones.
  • Setting a checkpoint that Mario can respawn at after dying. These can be found in the Underground Temple and Underground Moon Caverns.
  • Placing Mario in a bubble upon leaving the area object.
  • Preventing or forcing camera movement while inside the area object.
  • Enforcing water properties within a certain region; these are often called water areas. Unlike many types of area objects, these have effects on many other objects and actors in the game besides Mario.