List of common abbreviations

Revision as of 07:37, 28 September 2021 by Grady (talk | contribs) (Added more table entries and a Notes column)

This is a list of abbreviations commonly used within the Super Mario Odyssey speedrunning community, alongside their meanings.


Abbreviation Meaning Notes
2DSS 2D Skip Skip
3DSS 3 Dark Side Skips
APGF All Postgame Flags
BKS Best known segment
BTT Best Theoretical Time
CE Category extension
CRC Cappy return cancel
CTTR Chomp Through the Rocks A moon in the Cascade Kingdom
D2W Death-to-Win A type of Cappy return cancel
DST Daylight Savings Time Often in reference to DSTA
DSTA Daylight Savings Time Abuse
DTRC Downthrow roll cancel
GPJ Ground pound jump
IRC Instant roll cancel
LB Leaderboard
LBW Luigi's Balloon World
LJ Long jump
MCCTRC Motion-controlled cap throw roll cancel
MCDS Minimum Captures Darker Side
MCMM Minimum Captures Max Moons
MCWP Minimum Captures World Peace
NHA No Hint Art A subcategory of Nipple%
NSCA Network System Clock Abuse