Chain Chomp displacement

Revision as of 21:34, 5 February 2023 by Grady (talk | contribs) (Started explanation paragraph)

Chain Chomp displacement, often abbreviated as CCD, is a glitch that allows a Chain Chomp to be pushed and slowly drift in any desired horizontal direction indefinitely. The glitch involves pushing a Chain Chomp in its idle state using another Chain Chomp or any other object or enemy with a pushing hitsensor.

Although standard Chain Chomp displacement can only be performed on game versions 1.1.0 and prior, a variant known as death Chain Chomp displacement is possible on all versions.


In order to displace a Chain Chomp, Mario must be far enough away from it for it to be in its inactive state. This is a state in which the Chain Chomp experiences no gravity or collision; normally, this does not cause any glitches since the Chain Chomp is only intended to be inactive while it is stationary in its home position, but using the glitch it is possible to cause the Chain Chomp to drift horizontally while inactive. The inactive state can be identified by the Chain Chomp sitting still in its idle animation without periodically hopping and turning (which indicates its active state). The distance at which the Chain Chomp becomes inactive is much greater than the distance at which the Chain Chomp will stop attacking.