Talkatoo glitch

Revision as of 17:36, 22 June 2021 by Willchamberlain (talk | contribs) (Changed the whole page and added many properties)
File:Talkatoo Glitch Explanation by Fir

The Talkatoo glitch (TTG) is a glitch that occurs when Cappy collides with Talkatoo just after a conversation with him ends. This glitch can cause many different strange effects, such as locking the camera or causing Mario to float.

The Talkatoo glitch is only possible on versions 1.1.0 and earlier.


If Cappy hits talkatoo right after Mario finishes talking to him, then properties of talking can be stored (talkatoo text, restricted/locked camera, mario’s animation change). Once talkatoo finishes being hit by cappy, the camera will lock, Mario will try to enter his talking/standing animation, and Talkatoo’s text will be queued in the place that determines what dialogue appears next. This can all be stored by unloading talkatoo before he’s done being hit. Now the next time you load talkatoo, TTG will activate. The camera will lock in place and Mario will turn towards talkatoo. Talking to an NPC after activating TTG will show talkatoo’s dialogue, then their own dialogue.

Talkatoo Glitch without camera lock

If you load talkatoo with TTG stored, first the camera will move and mario will start turning. Only once the camera fully locks will Talkatoo’s stored text be usable. So if you load talkatoo, then quickly talk to an NPC before the camera reaches a stop (and locks), the game will let you store mario’s turning animation and talkatoo’s text without having the camera lock be stored. This is called unlocked TTG. With unlocked TTG, loading Talkatoo will do the same things as normal TTG but won’t lock the camera. The camera will slowly pan towards talkatoo while unlocked TTG is stored.

Resetting Talkatoo glitch

After activating TT glitch, talkatoo will be in his talking animation and can’t be talked to. Talking to an NPC will reset the camera lock (if there is one) and during the NPC conversation, it will display talkatoo’s 3 messages before the NPC’s own text. Now talkatoo can be talked to again and all the glitched properties should be cleared. Loading a different stage also resets the glitch.

Item Talkatoo glitch

The glitch can also be done with items such as seed, but the item hits talkatoo at the start of the talking sequence (rather than the end), so you can’t unload talkatoo to store the glitch. This version only really allows the camera to be locked and text to be stored.


Animation based glitches

When activating the Talkatoo glitch, Mario will attempt to turn towards Talkatoo. Interrupting this sequence allows several other movement-based glitches to occur:

  • Activating TTG while Mario is throwing Cappy lets Mario interrupt his throwing sequence by turning towards Talkatoo. The sliding property of Mario’s cap throw animation is kept, but it is now indefinite and Mario goes into the idle animation.[1]  If you slide off a ledge, then Mario will fall slowly and still maintain his sliding glitch. Jumping, throwing Cappy, or entering water will reset Mario to normal animations.
  • Using the setup above, if Mario collects a rocket flower while sliding then he will still slide but also have rocket flower speed.
  • Activating TTG while initiating a ground pound will cause Mario to turn midair and cancel his ground pound, but still stay suspended midair while facing Talkatoo. Doing this over the jump rope area in metro can get you a max score easily. Wandering NPCs can move Mario in this state. Pressing Y or shaking makes Mario dive and return to normal animations.
  • Activating TTG while throwing Cappy while swimming on the surface of water allows you to continue swimming on the surface, but will have Mario stuck in his standing pose. This gets cancelled when you stop swimming on the surface.
  • If Mario pulls himself up onto a ledge, Mario will be unable to move at all, resulting in a softlock.[2]
  • Doing TTG during a quick swim can allow Mario to do the quick swim animation for much longer. (it seems to end when you take too sharp of a turn or unload Talkatoo) Sometimes doing TTG during quick swim can get Mario to swim with the walking animation

Camera lock properties

The camera locks when activating normal TTG. This has a few interesting properties:

  • Entering first person mode will cause Mario to become invisible, but not set the camera to the first person camera (because its locked)
  • Talking to an NPC will unlock the camera as well as display Talkatoo’s text before that NPC’s text. Talkatoo should now be able to be talked to again as well
  • Capturing binoculars will keep the camera locked but the game will think you are farther away. You can load things close by that normally unload when you get near them, such as certain Metro NPCs

Text on screen during gameplay

It is possible to have Talkatoo’s text be visible while controlling Mario. First, you want to get enough moons to have the odyssey say “the odyssey has powered up” the next time you throw Cappy on the globe. Now store unlocked TTG and use it, so that we can use the stored TT text. Throw Cappy on the globe and wait until “The odyssey has powered up” jingle plays. Then press A on the last TT dialogue and the banner will appear. Then close the banner and exit the world map, and TT’s text will be visible while you play. The text gets cleared once you talk to something again or load another stage.

Jaxi mount glitches

In the Sand Kingdom, if one enters the Jaxi mount animation from the side and activates the Talkatoo glitch before Mario has fully mounted, then Mario will be stuck on top of Jaxi in the standing animation. One can also push Jaxi with Glydon and have Mario be on top of him while he slides.[3] Sometimes, Mario will be on top of Jaxi with the walking animation instead.[4] If Mario enters the Jaxi mount animation from jumping on it (rather than pressing X/Y next to him), then the player activates the Talkatoo glitch, Mario will gravitate towards Jaxi and actually mount when he gets there.[5]
