A cloudboost is a speedrun trick used to gain a boost of speed from the Mysterious Clouds with an aimed spinthrow and get a cap return jump or a single jump after the spinthrow. This trick saves time in multiple categories, for example in Any% when in Cloud Kingdom in the beginning when skipping the second and third mysterious clouds to the boss fight. (Cloudboost SMO) This also saves time for the All Sub Areas category in Cascade Kingdom which is known as the Mysterious Clouds Room which is almost used throughout the entire room. ([TAS] SMO - Mysterious Clouds Room ) Cloudboosts are meant to be a timed strat when used in specific places. Some things can go wrong if the cloudboost was mistimed:

-You do the spinthrow and get a cap return jump but maybe did it a little too early not getting the boost

-You do the steps but Mario isn't too far up from the clouds

-If cappy activates one of the clouds while Mario does the spinthrow then Mario just starts running and doesn't get the boost

-If you aim your spinthrow where it hits the cloud then you also start running on it

-If Mario is moving too fast then he would fall into his death not standing on the floating clouds

Mysterious Clouds

Cloud Kingdom is a good kingdom to practice your cloudboosts and get consistent with them when it comes to speedruns. Cloudboost tutorial