Wall slide

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Revision as of 21:56, 16 July 2023 by Mars2030 (talk | contribs) (created wall slide page (maybe in the future move to wall jump since they're almost the same?))
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A Wall slide is a basic part of Mario's movement, and is most commonly used to initiate a Wall jump, sometimes after a cap throw. When a wall slide is initiated, Mario will slowly slide down the wall with a very low acceleration and max speed.

Initiating a wall slide

A wall slide can be initiated by running and jumping into a wall.


After a wall slide is initiated, Mario can move slightly left or right if the control stick is held in said direction. Pressing A or B will being a wall jump.

If a wall slide is ended, either via a wall jump or by falling away from the wall, and Mario is in front of the wall, he will no longer be able to perform a cap bounce until he touches the ground again. However, if the player ends up behind the wall, Mario will be able to cap bounce.

A wall slide will be terminated if a wall jump occurs, if Mario reaches the ground, or the wall ends before Mario can touch the ground.