Glydon corner clip


Glydon corner clipping is a clip that is only possible in versions 1.0.0 through 1.1.0 of the game. Glydon corner clipping can be used to clip out of bounds in many locations, and can be used in every kingdom Glydon can be found in. To perform this clip, the player abuses Glydon's collision interactions to clip into corners of platforms.

Execution steps[edit | edit source]

To perform the clip:

  • The player must capture Glydon
  • The player must bring Glydon to the corner they wish to clip into
  • The player must move backwards a couple steps
  • The player must face the corner
  • The player must tap the jump button and then tap the fly button while in midair, or slightly move Glydon towards the corner with the left joystick
  • The player must repeat this until they clip into their desired corner

Uses[edit | edit source]

Other than just to explore out of bounds areas, Glydon corner clipping allows players to obtain certain moons that are hidden inside boxes. Most notably, it is used to obtain caged moons, like those in Tostarena Ruins and Lost Kingdom. It The clip doesn't have much use in speedrunning.