Jaxi Skip

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Jaxi Ruins skip is a skip performed at the poison lake in the Sand Kingdom. It abuses the Bullet bill capture, found in the ruins nearby, to get high enough to get on top of the ruins, doing this skips an underground section, which is a tunnel going to the jaxi ruins. It also allows the player to talk to jaxi, and thus ride him, before obtaining the multi moon on top of the inverted pyramid.

Reproduction Steps

Start by Capturing a Bullet Bill at the Ruins. Now move with the bullet to the jaxi ruins, crash him into the wall next to the face in the corner. Wall jump against the wall and at the peak of the wall jump cap throw and dive onto the jaxi ruins. 

A different way to perform this skip, is by going to the back of the ruins, jump on top of the jaxi statue next to the entrance to the jaxi rider sub area. then do a backflip and cap dive to get on the higher ledge. From here do another backflip and cap dive to get on top of the jaxi ruins.

Usage in runs

Because this trick is very fast, it is used to get a moon on top of the jaxi ruins in  all main categories, however Darker Side uses the second method instead of the bullet bill method. In addition to the moon, any% and Dark Side also use it for the 30 coin chest to be able to buy a moon later in the wooded kingdom. For World Peace, All Moons and 100%, it is also used to get the checkpoint on top of the jaxi ruins to be able to warp to it later as well as paying jaxi to ride him before entering the inverted pyramid.