Fish Clip

Revision as of 07:38, 30 September 2019 by Grady (talk | contribs) (Expanded intro paragraph)

Fish Clip, also known as Seaside Boundary Manipulation, is a trick in the Seaside Kingdom that is used in numerous speedrunning categories. This trick involves abusing the physics of the ocean boundary with a Cheep Cheep to clip out of bounds. The boundary acts as more of a force field than a barrier, slowly pushing Mario backwards when he gets near, and it exhibits some strange behavior when Mario exits a capture near it. This trick is often recommended even to beginner speedrunners, since it is relatively simple to perform.

All you want to do is swim to this spot with the

Cheep Cheep,  uncapture, move back, recapture and swim down.

for a more visual guide you can watch this video.