Speedrun routes
This page contains a list of routes for various speedruns.
Main leaderboard speedruns
World Peace
Dark Side
Darker Side
All Moons
- Beginner route slides
- Advanced route slides
- Advanced route slides (pictographic)
- Advanced route spreadsheet
Category extension speedruns
Routes for speedruns on the Category Extensions leaderboard can be found here. Does Not Work Right now (All links within document lead to a 403 error saying that the client does not have permission to get URL /url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1SquU6OAiyC9PRtKe7767eVTS8MwE_AKtbn9NGxdXVCM/edit?usp%253Dsharing%26amp;sa%3DD%26amp;source%3Deditors%26amp;ust%3D1734906181122363%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw3g8y_oc2GkrDkajKK0o6Xa&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1734906181130575&usg=AOvVaw3rzrhF1f946AZg060AxHAH from this server. That’s all we know. and vice versa)