Minimum A/B Presses
Min a/bbc
Min a/bbc (minimum a/b presses and cap throws) is a low% category in Super Mario Odyssey. It is one of the most unforgiving categories in low% and although there is a theoretical any% route, no one has ever completed an any% run.
So far, the community have completed routes for any%, all moons and for each individual moons. All 880 moons have a route mapped out from the odyssey to the moon using the absolute minimum number of a/bbc presses possible.
The min a/bbc spreadsheet is one of the most edited spreadsheet in all of Super Mario Odyssey speedrunning. It has similar levels of time put into it than well known sheets like the BTT sheet and the minigames community sob sheet. Practically every advancement in low% ever is included in this spreadsheet here