Loading error

Revision as of 14:19, 30 October 2020 by Grady (talk | contribs)

A loading error is a phenomenon in which the game fails to load part of a stage correctly. This can include entities failing to load or loading with textures missing, the backdrop of a stage not loading or loading incorrectly, or even the famous case of the airswim glitch. Currently, loading errors have no known causes but are theoretically useful in some circumstances.

Entity Loading Failures

An Entity Loading Failure (ELF) is when an object or capture target fails to load correctly or doesn't load at all. ELF1 and ELF2 are examples of elfs where an object in the stage has not loaded. Although in the examples ELF1 and ELF2, entity loading failure is detrimental to the player, one can think of examples where an ELF would benefit a player. For example, a goomba not spawning in Bowser's Kingdom that allows the player to bypass a section without risk of damage. Although their uses are slim, one can speculate of a time where ELFs could provide breakthroughs in Super Mario Odyssey speedrunning.


Airswim is when the waterlevel in a kingdom is altered, allowing the player to swim higher than they would usually be able to; thereby enabling the player to reach locals they should not be able to access at a certain point in the game. For more information, see the airswim page