Cap throw clip

Revision as of 00:22, 24 July 2021 by Grady (talk | contribs) (Added CTTR Clip video)

A cap throw clip is a type of clip that involves cap throwing while on a slanted surface in order to clip through a nearby wall. Some cap throw clips are easiest using a spinthrow, and cap throw clips done using spinthrows are sometimes referred to as spinthrow clips.

One of the most well-known cap throw clips, Sphynx Clip, is most commonly performed using an instant roll cancel, in a motion very similar to a roll cancel clip. Because of this, Sphynx Clip is sometimes incorrectly referred to as a roll cancel clip, despite roll canceling not being required to perform the clip.

Cap throw clips are only possible on game versions 1.1.0 and earlier.


The following is a list of known cap throw clip locations:

Kingdom Location Video
Cascade Kingdom The rock blocking the Chomp Through the Rocks moon. Known as CTTR Clip. Link
Sand Kingdom An icicle next to a building in Tostarena Town. Link
Sand Kingdom The back of the Sphynx. Known as Sphynx Clip. Link
Sand Kingdom The left side of the door to the Inverted Pyramid. Known as IP Clip. Link
Sand Kingdom The right side of the inside of the door to the Inverted Pyramid. Link