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drcfvthgjbh njefmdgbyjh vzcmx,hfvncm yhnfrcm
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* [[Routes]]
* [[Routes]]
* [[:Category:Tricks|Tricks]]
* [[:Category:Tricks|Tricks]]
* [[:Category:Glitches|Glitches]]
* [[:Category:Glitches|Glitcrgbhfvmyefjsnhxdfcgdcrfvgbhnjmrfvtgbyhnjes5exdcrtgfvyubhybgtfrdesdrctfvgybhunjygtfrdtfcvgbfvcdffgvg12345675y734tfn4uhryjejfrngbjmhnfgjyshmnhf]]
* [[:Category:Movement|Movement]]
* [[:Category:Movement|Movement]]

Revision as of 08:05, 26 May 2020

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Welcome to the SMO.wiki!

This wiki's goal is to become the place with the most information regarding tricks, routes, glitches and general knowledge about the speedrunning scene of Super Mario Odyssey.

If the content or veracity of the wiki seems inaccurate or could use a little polish, please join our Discord server and let us know!


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